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Meta-e takes pride in helping clients with their case, not just reactively, but proactively. We do this by leveraging the decades of experience our people have in both the legal and technical aspects of discovery. It is our belief that getting ahead of a matter early, anticipating problems and suggesting realistic solutions are the best way we can help our clients win and save money at the same time.*

Discovery Consulting

Meta-e has assisted on hundreds of cases at the earliest stages - from the initial meet and confer, to drafting and consulting on the ESI protocol, we are in the trenches with you. And we do not wait to be asked. Our core values drive us to share what we know about all things discovery so that you can make the best decisions related to the discovery in your case. Most importantly, we understand that different cases have different needs. We do not offer a "one size fits all" approach to our advice, rather, we listen to your goals, your strategy and your objectives before weighing in and we use our experience to help you win.*

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Areas that we have mastered

Proper Presentation

Technical Production

Appearing in Court

Initial Discovery Meet and Confers

Discovery Deficiencies

Attending Depositions as an Advisor

ESI Protocol

Discovery Disputes

Trial Preperation

Consulting on Collection of Client Data

"Paul McVoy and Meta-e Discovery are the best in the business. In a field crowded with competition, they have secured their place at the top. Meta-e is the go-to company for my firm when it comes to all e-Discovery issues."

-William T. Reid IV
Reid Collins & Tsai LLP

We'd love to discuss the needs for your case. Contact us to discover how we can help you.

*Meta-e Discovery LLC is not a law firm and does not offer legal advice of any kind.